
Journal of Economic Structures

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Economic Structures is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes theoretical and empirical articles that apply to a wide range of formal analytical instruments and statistical techniques to explore the structural interdependencies among various activities immanent in the economy. We collect manuscripts dealing with broad issues, covering subjects such as technological innovations and lifestyle changes, trade and commerce, networks, ecology and development, among others, where structural understanding is essential. The journal supports communication among various related disciplines and encourages contributions from regional practitioners. The journal also welcomes proposals for special issues reflecting the trends in structural economics and other related disciplines.

Articles (open access)
Instructions for Authors (pdf)
Journal of Economic Structures (Springer)


Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis

The Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis was published from 1992 to 2010.

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Business Journal of PAPAIOS

PAPAIOS publishes the Business Journal of PAPAIOS, the official journal written in Japanese.

Articles (open access, written in Japanese)

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