Bulletin of the Japan Comparative Education Society No.22, 1996

Special Essays T: Woman-Development-Education―Topics in Comparative Education―

Reiko SEKIGUCHI Issues in Women and Education
Akiko MINEI Issues in Development and Education
Yukiko ODA Issues in Women and Development
Chizuko USUI Reconsideration of Comparative Education Studies in Japan

Special Essays U: Reconsidering Socialist Education

Yukiko SAWANO The Legacy of Socialist Education and Present-Day Educational Reform in the Federal Republic of Russia
Hironori NAGASHIMA Reorganization of Education in Former East Germany
Yoshino SUZUKI Education in Changing Poland
Longzhe JIN The Present Condition of Socialist Education in an Economically Changing PRC


Hiroyuki OKAMOTO The Formation of Samuel Smiles' Outlook on the General Public―In Relation to the Educational Affairs in East Lothian, Scotland, at the Biginning of the 19th Century
Hiroshi SATO A Study of National Curriculum in Australia―Focusing on the process of Implementaion―
Koro SUZUKI Characteristics of Chinese Schools in Thailand after World War U―With an Emphasis on their Relation to the National Integration―
Hirotaka NANBU Regional Disparity of Research Activity in Present China―An Analysis of Research Production of Higher Education Institutions―
Mina HATTORI A Study of Ritual and Religious Education in Islamic Society―A Case Study of Pariangan Village in West Sumatra―
Takashi HAMANO Structural Adjustment by the World Bank and the Process of Educational Reform―A Case Study of Education Sector Adjustment Lending in Ghana―
Yuji HIRATA The Introduction of Japanese Education in Germany―A Case Study of Kumaji YOSHIDA's Lecture on the Imperial Rescript on Education(1906)―

Symposium :

Chizuko USUI Women, Development and Education

Special Issue ReportT:

HIromitsu MUTA International Trends in University Evaluations

Book Reviews and News:

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