HomeRules of Society

Rules of Society

Japanese Comparative Education Society
-Bylaws & Submission Guidelines-

Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Membership
Chapter 3: Administrative Board
Chapter 4: Board of Directors
Chapter 5: Annual Membership Meeting
Chapter 6: Finances and Accounting

Supplementary Provisions

Detailed Provisions
   1) Donation Solicitations
   2) Election of Board of Directors

JCES Code of Ethics

JCES Journal Publication Guideline

JCES Journal Submission Guidelines

Re-publication of JCES Journal Articles in the Institutional Repository

JCES Hiratsuka Award Guidelines

Japanese Comparative Education Society Bylaws (Revision Approved 2007)

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1: The name of this organization shall be known as the Japanese Comparative Education Society (hereinafter the “Society” or JCES).

Article 2: The Society aims to contribute to the development and promotion of the field of Comparative and International Education and to advance regional and international networks and collaborations for research purposes.

Article 3: In order to accomplish the aforementioned purposes, the Society engages in the following activities:
     1) Facilitating scholarly collaborations and networks among members
     2) Hosting an annual conference and individual seminars
     3) Publishing research journals, newsletters, and membership rosters, etc.
     4) Developing and maintaining the Research Information for International and
      Comparative Education (RICE) and the JCES website, etc.
     5) Networking and collaborating with regional and international research institutions
     6) Other duties essential to accomplishing the purpose of the Society

Chapter 2: Membership

Article 4: All members of JCES must be individuals who support the purpose of the organization and share research interests in the field of Comparative and International Education. The Society has two classes of members: individual members and student members.

Article 5: Individuals may become members by applying to the main administrative office with a recommendation from an existing member and receiving approval from the Board of Directors.

Article 6: Members shall be entitled to participate in JCES conferences and activities. All members must support the Society’s Code of Ethics.

Article 7: Members are responsible for annual membership dues: ¥10,000 for individual members and ¥6,000 for student members.

Article 8:
     1) Those whose dues are in arrears may not be entitled to receive membership
     2) Membership shall expire when annual membership dues are three years in

Chapter 3: Administrative Board

Article 9: The Administrative Board, responsible for the Society’s operations, shall be composed of the following officers: President (1), Board of Directors (30: Detailed Provision, Election of Board of Directors), Secretary (few), and Treasurer (2). The Administrative Board shall be elected from individual members of the organization.

Article 10: The Directors shall be elected by members of the Society to form the Board of Directors. The full text of nomination procedures is provided in the Detailed Provision.

Article 11: The President shall be elected by the Directors. The President shall represent the Society and designate the location of the administrative offices, appoint the Secretary-General and Secretary Officials, and superintend the programs of the Society. If a vacancy by the President occurs for any reason, a Director shall perform duties usually retained by the President.

Article 12: The President shall, upon the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint several Executive Directors and form the Board of Executive Directors. The Board of Executive Directors shall oversee and perform executive-level responsibilities of the Society.

Article 13: The President shall appoint several Officers to conduct general duties of the Society. Several Officers shall serve as Executive Officers.

Article 14: Upon approval by the Annual Membership Meeting, the Board of Directors shall appoint the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall audit the Society’s financial statements.

Article 15: The Administrative Board shall be elected for a term of three years. The Administrative Board members may be re-elected for multiple terms.

Chapter 4: Board of Directors

Article 16: The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting at least once a year to make appropriate and necessary decisions for the Society.

Article 17: Each regular board meeting shall require the attendance of a three-fourths majority of the Board of Directors (including written consents). A policy shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Directors. *Decimal fractions shall be rounded to the nearest whole digit.

Chapter 5: Annual Membership Meeting

Article 18: The Annual Membership Meeting is the Society’s highest voting unit and holds a regular meeting in each calendar year to vote on significant decisions.

Chapter 6: Finances and Accounting

Article 19: This Society is financed by membership dues as well as other additional income.

Article 20: Finances and accounting shall be divided into two categories: regular funds and special investment funds.

Article 21: The special investment fund must be generated upon the authorization of the Board of Executive Directors and must be reported and approved in the Board of Directors and Annual Membership Meeting. However, the draft of financial statements shall not be submitted to the Board of Directors and Annual Membership Meeting.

Article 22: The Society’s financial and accounting records shall begin on April 1 of the current year and end on March 31 of the following year.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1: These Bylaws shall be amended upon approval by the Annual Membership Meeting.

Article 2: The Board of Directors shall administer the Detailed Provision necessary for organizational management and shall report at the Annual Membership Meeting.

Article 3: The administrative office shall be housed in the JCES Headquarter. The administrative office shall include the Secretary General and Secretary Officers, appointed by the President.

Article 4: The Bylaws shall be effective from August 20, 1964. The revision of Article 7 shall be effective from 1998. The revision of Article 10, 13, and 16 shall be effective after the 1969 Annual Membership Meeting. The revision of the Supplementary Provision, Article 23, shall be effective after the 1973 Annual Membership Meeting. The revision of Article 18 and 19 shall be effective after the 1994 Annual Membership Meeting. The revision of Article 7 and 8 shall be effective after the 1998 Annual Membership Meeting. The revision of Article 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 (former Article 16), 19 (former Article 17), 20 (former Article 18), 21 (part of the former Article 19) shall be effective after the 2004 Annual Membership Meeting. (However, the revision of Article 7 and 15 shall take effect in 2005). The revision of Article 6 shall be effective after the 2007 Annual Membership Meeting.

Detailed Provisions (Revised in the 2006 Annual Membership Meeting)

1. Donation Solicitation (Bylaws, Article 17)
Article 1: Financial contributions by JCES members or volunteers may be received upon the approval of the Board of Executive Directors. However, financial contributions must be reported to the Board of Directors and at the Annual Membership Meeting.

Article 2: Special investment funds shall be financed by private donations and rollover from regular funds.

Article 3: Special investment funds may finance operations that improve the effectiveness of the Society’s activities and special affairs.

Article 4: This Detailed Provision shall be effective from April 1, 1968. The revision of Article 2 and 3 shall be effective after the 1994 Annual Membership Meeting. The revision of Article 3 shall be effective from June 28, 2003.

2. Election of the Board of Directors
Article 1: Following the procedures outlined in the Detailed Provisions, the Board of Directors shall be elected regionally by members in each regional district.

Article 2: For the time being, regional districts shall include: Hokkaido and Tohoku region, Kanto region (Kanto district and Nigata, Nagano, Yamanashi prefectures), Tokai-Hokuriku region, Kinki region, Chugoku-Shikoku region, and Kyushu region. Foreigners residing overseas belong to the district of the Society’s headquarters.

Article 3: The quorum of Directors shall reflect the size of memberships in respective regional districts. As of April 1 of the election year, each regional district may elect one Director per every 30 regional members (rounded to whole numbers), but the Board of Directors shall carry the final decision of allocated seats.

Article 4: All members shall anonymously elect the names of candidates but no more than the number of regional seats allocated and mail the written ballots to the Election Administration Committee. The written ballots shall follow the template and shall arrive at the Election Administration Committee by the notified date.

Article 5: The election results shall be determined by the voting orders of each regional district. In the case of ties, the Election Administration Committee conducts a re-draw to make a decision. If a ballot registers a larger number of candidates than allocated seats for each district, the Election Administration Committee may void the votes for all names specified on the ballot. If a Director changes his/her affiliated district or loses his/her membership benefits, the Election Administration Committee elects a replacement based on the voting order. A Director elected as a result of the winner’s disqualification shall serve until the end of the incumbent’s term.

Article 6: The Election Administration Committee located in the Headquarters shall manage all administrations regarding election. The Election Administration Committee shall be appointed by the Board Meeting whenever necessary.

Article 7: The Election Administration Committee must complete elections by at least one day before the Annual Membership Meeting of the respective year and must report the results at the Annual Membership Meeting.

Article 8: The Election Administration Committee must archive election documents for three years and must share the information upon members’ requests.

Article 9: The Detailed Provision shall be effective from 1969. The revision of Article 5 shall be effective from 1972. The revision of Article 3 shall be effective from 1979. The revision of Article 2 shall be effective from 2003. The revision of Article 8 shall be effective from 2006.

Japanese Comparative Education Society Code of Ethics

1. JCES provides the Code of Ethics, in accordance with Article 6 of the Bylaws, to appropriately uphold the societal responsibilities of a scholarly association and to ensure validity and reliability of research activities conducted by the Society’s members.
2. When conducting a research, members must obey all laws and regulations and must respect the culture, religions, and traditions of their research fields. Members must be aware of their own safety as well as of other researchers.
3. When conducting research, members must highly value the rights of research participants and must not contribute any physical, mental, or societal risks to participants.
4. When conducting research, members must explicitly clarify the purpose of the research, research funding, and future presentation plans of research findings, etc. to research participants.
5. When conducting research, members must respect the confidentiality of research participants and must secure personal data and information.
6. When conducting research, members should not fabricate or manipulate any documents or information. Members must respect intellectual property rights including research originality and copyrights of other authors.

This Code of Ethics shall be effective from June 30, 2007.

JCES Journal Publication Guideline

1. Name: Comparative Education.
2. Issues: Twice annually.
3. Content: Publication of members’ research articles, editorial or book reviews, conference
      reports, and special feature articles.
4. Format: A5, vertical orientation, approximately 200-page in lengths.
5. Published Articles:
     Selected by the Editorial Committee from open submissions and highlighted
      sessions and symposiums from annual JCES conferences
6. Editorial Committee:
     The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chair and Vice Chair of the Editorial
      Committee. A quorum of the Editorial Committee, excluding the Chair and Vice
      Chair, shall be approximately ten members. The Editorial Committee members shall
      be selected from across the regional representation of the organization.
      The Chair and Vice-chair shall be elected for a term of three years, and the rest
      of members shall be elected for 1.5 year terms. Editorial Committee members may
      serve for multiple terms.
7. Editorial Administration Office:
     Assigned by the Editorial Chair and Vice-Chair.
8. Distribution:
     Free distribution to the Society’s members. Available for sale to non-members.
9. Submission Guidelines:
     In accordance with the JCES’s Code of Ethics and Submission Guidelines.
10. Copy Right:
     The copyright of articles published in the Comparative Education journal shall be
      designated to the Society. The Society’s permission is not required for authors
      to use their own publications. The published articles shall be distributed within
      the network authorized by the Society.

JCES Journal Submission Guidelines

1. Submission Manuscript Theme
The theme of manuscript should support the purposes of JCES activities.

2. Manuscript Submission Qualification
All authors of submitted manuscripts must be the members of JCES or those who have completed their membership applications. Manuscripts should not have been previously published.

3. Formatting Instructions
1) Personal Computers
Print the manuscript on A4 size paper, 36x30 margins (1080 words), 18.5 pages (555 lines) or less. The first page should omit the author’s name but include the title of the article. The first section of a manuscript should start from the 10th line. All documents should use 10.5 or 11 point font.
2) Japanese Manuscript Papers
Use the A4 size paper, 400 words per sheet manuscript papers (horizontal orientation), 50 pages in lengths (20,000 without the Title) or less.
3) The above formatting instructions and page limits include figures, tables, footnotes, works cited, and references.
4) The above formatting instructions shall not apply if the Editorial Committee specifies page limitations as otherwise.

4. Figure, Table, Footnotes Instructions
1) A manuscript should limit figures and tables to five or less. For personal computer manuscripts, insert tables and figures in the text or include them as attachments. For manuscript papers, do not insert tables and figures in the text but attach them in a separate cover and specify the printing location and font size on the manuscript paper. The text in figures and tables should be camera ready; they should appear in 70% (A5 size paper) reduction.
2) Footnotes, works cited, references, etc. should appear at the end of the manuscript, printed in 36x30 margins (1080 words). When the manuscript author(s) cite his/her/their own works, the authors should include their name(s) and should avoid use of “author’s article” (sekkou) or “author’s book” (seccho).
3) Footnote numbering should be: “(1) (2)…”

5. Submitting Manuscript/Documentations
1) In order to submit a manuscript, you need to include the following. Submitted articles and documentations will not be returned to the authors.
  @ 4 copies of the manuscript (1 original and 3 photocopies)
  A 4 copies of the Japanese title and abstract (800 words or less)
  B 4 copies of the English title and abstract (800-1000 words)
    (Do not include author’s name and affiliation in these documents @, A, B)
  C Include a separate attachment with the following information:
    ■ Author’s name (Japanese and English)
    ■ Affiliation (Japanese and English)
    ■ Title of the manuscript (Japanese and English)
    ■ Contact information (e.g. email address)
  (Refer to English outlines in the back of the Comparative Education journal for
  English texts such as author’s name)
  D (Japanese manuscript paper submissions) Additionally submit a CD-R with the above
   information @ - C. Use the “Microsoft Word” or “Ichitaro” file format, and label
   the title of the manuscript, including the file format you have used.

6. English Manuscript Instructions
1) A4 size paper (32 lines per page, approximately 440 words), 14 pages or less.
2) Figures, tables, footnotes, works cited, references, etc. should follow the Japanese manuscript submission guidelines 3 (Formatting Instructions) and 4 (Figure, Table, Footnote Instructions).
3) In order to submit a manuscript, you need to include the following. Submitted articles and documentations will not be returned to the authors.
  @ 4 copies of the manuscript (1 original and 3 photocopies)
  A 4 copies of the English title and a one-page A4 size paper (32 lines per paper, 440
   approximately words) English abstract
  (Do not include the author’s name and affiliation in documents @ and A)
  B Include a separate attachment with following information:
    ■ Author’s name (English)
    ■ Affiliation (English)
    ■ Title of the manuscript (English and Japanese)
    ■ Contact information (e.g. email address)
  (Refer to English outlines in the back of the Comparative Education journal for English
   texts such as author’s name)

7. Publication Timeline, Manuscript Submission Deadline, and Mailing Address
The Comparative Education journal is published twice a year, once in July (submission deadline: January 20, postmark date) and once in January (submission deadline: July 20 of the previous year, postmark date). The manuscript should be mailed to the Chairman of the Editorial Committee.
Secretariat of the Editorial Committee (No.65-67)
Mailing Address:
Chairman, Japanese Comparative Education Society Journal Editorial Committee
2-1-6 Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8533, Japan
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Email: jces.kiyou@gmail.com
Tel: +81-3-5245-7528

The authors of articles who wish to receive confirmation of delivery should send an e-mail to the address of the Editorial Committee no later than five days after the submission deadline. At this point, we will only answer whether the submissions have arrived before opening the envelopes or not. The authors will be contacted again regarding the official result (acceptance or rejection of the paper based on the guidelines).

Re-publication of JCES Journal Articles in the Institutional Repository
(Adopted by the Board of Directors on June 27, 2008)

1. If authors request, the Society allows re-publication of JCES journal articles in the Institutional Repository within a year of the initial publication date.
2. The publication format will use a PDF copy of the journal article or a PDF file developed by the publisher.
3. If authors prefer a PDF file developed by the publisher, they should inquire with the JCES administrative office.

JCES Hiratsuka Award Guideline

1. Name: JCES Hiratsuka Award
2. Purpose: To commemorate the achievements of the first President of the Society, Dr. Masunori Hiratsuka and to encourage research activities of young members of the Society. Award recipients will receive the certificate and premium.
3. Recipient Number and Premium: One per year, ¥100,000
4. Recipient Qualifications:
5. Search Committee: Composed of 10 members or less appointed by Directors. Committee members shall serve for three years and may serve for multiple terms. The Committee Chair shall be appointed by Committee members.
6. Screening Process: The Search Committee will conduct screenings in February or March of each calendar year, should nominate the finalist, and should report the result in annual conferences.
7. Based on Article 22 of the Bylaws, this guideline shall be adopted by the Board of Directors.
8. This guideline shall be effective from April 1, 2005.

Copyright (C) Japan Comparative Education Society, All Rights Reserved, 2001-2024.