Bulletin of the Japan Comparative Education Society No.30, 2004

Special Papers:
Comparative Studies of Higher Education Reforms in Seven Countries: Denationalization and Privatization

Trends and Problems in Reforming National Universities for Independent Entities in Thailand
Mitsuhiro IKEDA
The Reform of Higher Education and Trends in Privatization in Singapore
Hirotaka NANBU
Diversification of Financing Routes and Improvement in Efficiency in Chinese Higher Education
The Privatization of Higher Education in Chile: Drastic Changes in the 1980s and the Aftermath
Terumasa IKEDA
Privatization: The Situation and Trends in American Higher Education
Yumiko HADA
UK Higher Education Reformed: Independent Corporate Institutions
Tsutomu KANEKO
Reshaping the German University: From Public Institutions under the Authority of the Lander to Legal Entities in Public or Private Law


Maiko AOKI Ethnic Schools in Australia - Overcoming Conflicts in Multiculturalism -
Noriko KATAYAMA A Re-examination of Students' Disciplinary Risk and Trends in Disciplinary Policy in U.S. Public Schools
Nobuhide SAWAMURA Efforts towards Universal Primary Education in Kenya: The Current Situation and Issues in Free Primary Education
Koro SUZUKl, Minoru MORISHITA, Sunate KAMPEERAPARB A Study on the Principles and Development of Basic Education Reform in Thailand
Kana HAMATANl The Legitimacy of the Legal Status of 'Ethics and Philosophy' in German Secondary Education: Case Studies of Reaction in Bavaria and Brandenburg to the Regulation of Religion as a Compulsory Subject in the Basic Law
FEI Laichuang The Intervals between Regular Senior Secondary Schools in China - At the Viewpoint of School Establishment, Administration and Financial Condition -

Open Plenary Symposium

Yoshiro TANAKA "New Trends in Higher Education Governance in East Asia", by John N. Hawkins, Ph.D.

Research Project Reports

Yokuo MURATA International Cooperation in Education Considering Characteristics of Japanese Education : Methods to Apply Educational Experiences in Japan for Educational Development in Developing Countries
Kengo MOCHIDA Comparative Study of Policies for Diversification and Individualization of Secondary Schools

Book Reviews

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