Bulletin of the Japan Comparative Education Society No.47, 2013

Special Papers: “Bullying” and “Corporal Punishment” in Comparative Perspective

Kiyoharu HARA & Kenshi YAMANOUCHI A General Analysis of “Bullying”: Especially Focusing on the Cyber Bullying in Japan
Haruo SOEDA A General Analysis of “Corporal Punishment”: For Its Comparative Study
Noriko KATAYAMA The Trend of Corporal Punishment in U.S. Schools
Midori UEDA The Corporal Punishment and Bullying in England: Efforts of Management for Discipline and School Safety
Asato MATSUMOTO The Policies against the Bullying in South Korea: The Features and Problems of Korean Government’s Approach
Nobuhide SAWAMURA Bullying and Corporal Punishment in Kenyan Schools


Takayo OGISU Cambodian Instructional Reform based on Teachers’ Views of Student-Centered approaches
Canjing MA A Study of the Admission Regulation “ Learning in Regular Class” for Resident Foreign Students in China: A Case Study of Shanghai
Shingo HANADA International Branch Campuses in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar: Commonalities, Differences and Open Questions
Ryoji MATSUOKA Socioeconomic Inequality between Schools and Junior High School Students’ Non-academic Behavior: A Comparative Investigation of Compulsory Education Systems Using TIMSS 2007
Ayumi FUKAWA The Changing Roles of Schools in Germany: Focusing on Compulsory All-Day Schools

Book Reviews

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